Outline of Society
Japanese Association of Art Education: Regulations & Academic Journal Submission Guidelines
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 This association is called Japanese Association of Art Education.
Article 2 The objectives of this association are to hold research conferences on art
education and to contribute to its academic promotion.
Article 3 In order to achieve the objectives of the preceding article, the association shall
carry out the following:
(1) Hold academic research presentations and conferences related to art
(2) Edit and publish the academic journal for Japanese Association of Art
Education, as well as other publications
(3) Collect and examine research materials
(4) Communicate and cooperate with related academic organizations in Japan
and overseas
(5) Carry out other projects necessary to achieve the objectives of the
Article 4 Headquarters for the association's secretariat will be established. The
headquarters of the secretariat shall be determined separately.
Chapter 2 Membership
Article 5 Membership types are as follows.
(1) Full members: Individuals engaged in the study of art education and who
agree with the objectives of this association (students must be enrolled in a
graduate school or a higher course, or be research students, to qualify).
(2) Supporting members: Individuals and corporations that agree with the
purpose of the association and support its projects.
Article 6 The procedure for joining the association is as follows:
(1) Full members may apply for membership upon the recommendation of one
full member, and obtain approval from the Board of Directors.
(2) Supporting members may apply for membership and obtain approval from
the Board of Directors.
Article 7 Members must pay the membership fee. Membership fees shall be determined
Article 8 Members shall receive a distribution of academic journals. In addition, full
members can make presentations at this association.
Article 9 Members who wish to withdraw must submit a notice of withdrawal stating
their reasons.
Article 10 If a full member fails to pay dues, membership may be suspended by a
resolution of the Board of Directors.
Chapter 3 Staff
Article 11 The association shall appoint the following staff.
(1) Representative director: 1
(2) Deputy directors: 3
(3) Directors: About 15
(4) Auditors: 2
Article 12 The duties of the staff are as follows.
(1) The representative director shall represent the association and oversee its
affairs. The deputy directors shall assist the representative director and take
over the representative director's duty in the case of an accident.
(2) The directors shall constitute the Board of Directors, and resolve and enforce
the matters prescribed by the regulations of the association.
(3) The auditors shall conduct financial audits of the association.
Article 13 Officers shall be elected in the following way, and obtain approval from the
General Assembly.
(1) Directors shall be elected directly by full members in accordance with the
election rules, set forth separately.
(2) The election for the representative director shall be conducted among the
(3) The representative director shall be nominated from among the directors.
(4) Auditors shall be recommended by the Board of Directors from among full
Article 14 The term of office for association staff shall be three years, and shall not
prevent reappointment. However, one may be reappointed to the same
position for a maximum of two terms.
2 A staff member may resign with approval from the Board of Directors under special
circumstances, even during his/her term.
circumstances, even during his/her term.
3 Decisions on filling vacancies shall be made by the Board of Directors. The
term of office for new staff shall be the remaining term of office.
Chapter 4 General Meetings / Board of Directors
Article 15 The General Assembly is the highest voting body of the association and shall
deliberate the following matters concerning its business and operations.
(1) Business plan
(2) Settlement of accounts and budget
(3) Approval of staff
(4) Revision of regulations
(5) Other projects necessary to achieve the objectives of the association
Article 16 An annual general meeting shall be convened by the representative director.
2 The General Assembly shall be formed by the attendance of at least one-fifth
of the members (including proxies).
3 General Assembly resolutions shall be made based on a majority of the
Article 17 The representative director shall convene the meeting of the Board of
Directors. In addition, if a majority of the Board of Directors requests a
meeting of the Board of Directors, the representative director shall convene
such a meeting.
2 The Board of Directors' meeting is formed with the attendance of at least
four-fifths of the directors (including proxies).
3 Board of Director resolutions shall be made based on a majority of the
4 In the event of an emergency in the management and operation of the association,
deliberation of the Board of Directors may be an alternative to the
deliberation of the Board of Directors may be an alternative to the
General Assembly. However, in such cases, a post-facto approval from the
General Assembly is required.
5 The Board of Directors may set up an editorial board of the academic
association and other necessary committees in order to conduct the business
prescribed in Article 3 of the association's regulations. The provisions of
these committees shall be determined separately.
6 The individual elected as the representative director for the next term may
convene a meeting of the candidates for the Board of Directors to select staff
for the subsequent term and to formulate activity plans.
Article 18 In the event of an urgent issue related to the management and operation of the
association, the representative director may convene a provisional
administrative council.
2 The administrative council shall consult with the representative director and
provide a written report, either verbally or in writing.
3 Members of the administrative council shall be selected by the representative
director from among the directors and full members, and the term of office
shall last until the report is submitted.
Chapter 5 Governing Body
Article 19 In order to smoothly conduct the business prescribed in Article 3 of the
association's regulations, the duties of the Board shall be divided into the
General Affairs Department, the Research Department, and the Operations
Article 20 The division of duties among the General Affairs Department, Research
Department, and Operations Department shall be as follows, and each shall be
supervised by the deputy director in charge.
(1) The General Affairs Department shall manage accounting (such as annual
budget recording and financial reporting), plan and run general/board
meetings, edit and publish bulletins, and conduct administrative work related
to the Science Council of Japan.
(2) The Research Department shall plan and manage research, edit and publish
academic journals, oversee research committees, and collect and examine
research materials.
(3) The Operations Department shall promote public relations activities and
research exchanges with other academic societies (such as communication
and cooperation with related academic entities in Japan and overseas), and
supervise research forums, other meetings, and lectures.
Article 21 An Editorial Committee for editing the Journal shall be formed with directors
of the Research Department as its members. The deputy director of the
association, who oversees the Research Department, shall also serve as the
Editorial Committee's chair.
Chapter 6 Accounting
Article 22 Expenses necessary for the business of the association shall be covered by
membership fees, grants, and other sources of income.
Article 23 The fiscal year of the association shall run from January 1 to December 31 of
each year, and annual financial results shall be reported to the General
Article 24 The auditors shall conduct financial audits of the association at least once a
year and report the results to the General Assembly.
Supplementary Provisions
1. These regulations may be amended or repealed through the deliberation of a general
2. Donations and other income can be transferred to accounting with approval from the
3. These regulations went into effect on March 28, 1982.
4. These regulations were partially revised on March 29, 1991.
5 These regulations were partially revised on March 28, 1997.
6. These regulations were partially revised on March 25, 2005.
7. These regulations were partially revised on March 29, 2009.
8. These regulations were partially revised on March 26, 2011.
9. These regulations were partially revised on March 26, 2012.
10. These regulations were partially revised on March 27, 2017.
Academic Journal Submission Guidelines
Chapter 1 Objective
Article 1 These rules outline the details for contributing to the Journal for Japanese Association of Art
Education (hereafter referred to as "the Journal") based on Article 7 of the Journal's editing
Chapter 2 Requirements for Contribution
Article 2 Those who meet the following conditions are eligible to contribute to the Journal.
(1) In the case of a sole author, the author must be a full member of the Association
(hereafter referred to as a "full member").
(2) In the case of co-authors, the first author must be a full member, and more than half
of the paper's authors must be full members of the Association.
(3) The membership dues of full members must be paid by the time of posting.
(4) The contribution must also meet the stipulations under Article 17 for collaborative
papers with the Society for Art Education of Korea.
Article 3 Contributors must not violate human rights (e.g., rights to use likenesses, copyright, etc.) or
research ethics (e.g., plagiarism, fabrication, duplicate submissions, etc.) in their submission
content and general research procedures.
Chapter 3 Conditions and Notes for Submission
Article 4 As a general rule, research submitted to this Journal must be a "paper" on art education and
must be unpublished.
Article 5 "Paper" refers to an article with original empirical or theoretical content that holds academic
Article 6 Per the prohibition on duplicate submissions, authors may not submit a paper that
has been published or that is scheduled for publication (hereafter referred to as a "published paper").
has been published or that is scheduled for publication (hereafter referred to as a "published paper").
2 Published papers may not be submitted and include those issued in academic/general journals,
university/research institute bulletins, and academic/general books
(including papers in the process of review or printing).
Oral publications given at seminars hosted by this Association or research publications that remain within
the Association (for example, research published in booklets for school distribution) may be submitted.
university/research institute bulletins, and academic/general books
(including papers in the process of review or printing).
Oral publications given at seminars hosted by this Association or research publications that remain within
the Association (for example, research published in booklets for school distribution) may be submitted.
3 Papers based on the same materials, as well as data presented in the form of a
published paper, might be considered substantially different from original
submissions if developed by adding, re-analyzing, or re-interpreting materials,
or by writing/creating new text/diagrams. Such papers may be submitted to the
submissions if developed by adding, re-analyzing, or re-interpreting materials,
or by writing/creating new text/diagrams. Such papers may be submitted to the
4 If there exists a published paper by the same author that is closely related to the
submission, along with the regular submission, the author must attach a document
containing the paper's bibliographic information (e.g., the author's name, the
title, the name of the journal meant for publication or scheduled publication, the
year of the publication, etc.), as well as a copy of the thesis.
title, the name of the journal meant for publication or scheduled publication, the
year of the publication, etc.), as well as a copy of the thesis.
Article 7 Those wishing to submit materials other than theses (i.e., "practical reports," "editorials" or
"book reviews") must apply to the Journal's Editorial Committee (hereafter referred to as the
"Editorial Committee") in advance and be bound by their decision.
(1) A "practical report" includes originality and new perspectives in terms of the content and methods of art education.
(2) An "editorial" refers to a critical description or essay on various issues related to art
education and its research.
(3) A "book review" is a critique or introduction to a work that is related to art education
and its research.
Article 8 As the sole or first author of a collaborative work, it is possible to submit up to one paper to
the Journal. However, this does not apply to papers requested by the Editorial Committee.
Article 9 For consecutively submitted papers (those submitted by dividing one dissertation into several,
such as "Study on ・・・ (III)"), the structure of the entire discussion should be briefly
portrayed at the beginning of each paper to ensure that the reviewers have a good grasp of
the intent and content underlying the research.
Article 10 As a rule, the paper's length is equal to 12 pages of the Journal (including the title, the Japanese-language abstract, text, references, materials, notes, figures, and appendices, but not including the English-language abstract). 2 Upon exceeding the standard number of pages, an additional fee will be charged for
excess pages, as provided in Article 15-3. However, the upper limit is 18 pages.
Article 11 As a general rule, submitted papers shall not be returned.
Chapter 4 Procedures After Examination of Submitted Papers
Article 12 If the paper is considered "accepted" or "conditionally accepted" for publication after
examination, the contributor shall prepare the submission according to the following
instructions and send it to the Editorial Committee.
(1) In the case of "A: Acceptance for Publication"
The contributor shall prepare the paper for submission in accordance with these rules
and the guidelines for submission. It must then be sent to the Editorial Committee,
and the guidelines for submission. It must then be sent to the Editorial Committee,
along with the other required documents, before the deadline. No changes should be
made to the paper except as directed by the Editorial Committee.
(2) In the case of "B: Conditional Acceptance for Publication"
The contributor shall revise the manuscript in accordance with the peer-reviewed
comments, prepare the paper for submission in accordance with these rules and the
guidelines for submission, and send it to the Editorial Committee, along with the other
documents, before the deadline.
Article 13 If there are any objections regarding the outcome of the examination, the contributor may
file a written objection with the Editorial Committee.
2 There is no specified format for the objection.
Article 14 Proofreading for the publication shall be done by the contributor until the second
revision, following which it shall be completed by the Editorial Committee.
2 During proofreading, the contributor shall not make any corrections or additions other than
printing errors, except as directed by the Editorial Committee.
Article 15 After the number of pages to be published is confirmed, the contributor shall pay the
following publication fees by the designated date.
2 The publication charge for the standard number of pages (including the title, the Japanese-
language abstract, text, references, materials, notes, figures, and appendices, but not the
English-language abstract) is 24,000 yen.
3 Upon exceeding 12 pages, an additional fee of 5,000 yen per page will be charged.
4 Up to 50 copies can be printed free of charge. Beyond that, more copies may be
printed at the contributor's expense.
5 If the publication fee is not paid by the specified date, the decision for publication may be canceled.
Article 16 Contributors may, if necessary, request that the Editorial Committee issue a "Certificate of
Acceptance of Paper" (during the period between receipt of the paper and the decision to
publish it), or a "Certificate of Decision of Publication" (during the period between the
decision of publication and the publication).
Chapter 5 Collaborative Contributions to Japanese Association of Art Education and the Society for Art Education of Korea
Article 17 If a full member of the Association wishes to contribute to the Journal of the Society for Art Education of Korea, the following procedure must be followed.
(1) "I want to submit to the Society for Art Education of Korea" must be clearly written on communication regarding the submission notice.
(2) The paper must be written and submitted in Japanese in accordance with these rules and the submission guidelines.
(3) If the paper passes the peer review of this Association, the contributor must prepare a paper with the same content in either Korean or English.
(4) The Korean- or English-language paper submitted will be sent to the Editorial
Committee of the Society of Art Education of Korea.
Article 18 If a full member of the Society of Art Education of Korea wishes to contribute to the Journal of Association of Art Education of Korea, the following procedure must be followed.
(1) When applying to submit a paper, the intention to submit to the Association of
Art Education must be clearly stated.
(2) Based on the provisions of the Society of Art Education of Korea, the paper should be written in Korean and published in the Journal of the Society of Art Education of Korea.
(3) If the paper passes the peer review of the Society of Art Education of Korea, the
contributor must prepare a paper with the same content in either Japanese or English.
(4) The Japanese- or English-language paper submitted shall be sent to the Editorial
Committee of the Journal of the Association.
Chapter 6 Other Provisions
Article 19 Among the authors and co-authors of published papers, those who meet the conditions set
forth in Article 3 on "Award Regulations" are eligible to be selected for the Art Education
Supplementary Provisions
1. These rules may be amended or repealed with approval from the Board of Directors.
2. These rules went into effect on April 1, 2012.
3. These rules were partially revised on March 18, 2016.
4. These rules were partially revised on June 1, 2017.