Message from the Representative Director

Message from the Representative Director
Toshio NAOE, Professor, University of Tsukuba

An association that promotes research to bring the joy of learning the art to all people

The Association is an organization of professionals who love art education and promote its research. Based on the results of intense research by its members, the Association will broadly promote collaboration among teachers and researchers to bring creative educational practices that make the most of the characteristics of art to children and all people.

Since its inception in 1979, the Association has been growing with the participation of teachers and researchers involved in art education for all people, from infants to universities, museums, and social education. The term "art education" here refers not only to school subject but also to the pursuit of the possibilities of human learning in the fields of plastic arts, arts and crafts, fine arts, crafts, design, and image media, as well as in the ever-expanding variety of visual arts.

Below are some significant activities that our association will continue to pursue with its members and for society.


The Journal for Japanese Association of Art Education is an academic journal published once a year after a review of submitted papers by reviewers appointed among the board of directors and members and utilizes an online submission and peer-review system to disseminate and share the latest in art education research.


The Journal for Japanese Association of Art Education Award, which encourages the activities of young researchers, is given to an article published in the "Journal for Japanese Association of Art Education" by an author under the age of 45, which is expected to open up the future and is full of new and promising research results.


The Art Education Studies Series is a newly conceived and planned publication series that began publication in 2018. It is available in bookstores and online.


The Research Forum, which opens up the possibilities of art education to society, is a series of independent seminars based mainly on spontaneous project proposals from members, in cooperation with the Research Forum staff on the Board of Directors.


Research groups, which are gatherings of colleagues working on common themes, are established by mainly the members of the Association and have meetings regularly to promote research exchanges.


The conference for research exchange is held once a year, usually in March. It includes various events, including oral presentations, symposia, and exhibitions.


The Newsletter is published online three times a year as a medium for reporting the activities of the Association and research activities by members.



Please refer to the "Outline of the Association" and other related pages on this website for more information on the above activities.


Through the active participation of our members, we will continue to innovate and develop, and further promote research and practice that will bring the joy of learning the art to all people.


If you wish to become a member, please refer to the information on this website and apply for membership. If you do not know anyone to be a recommender for your membership at the time of application, please contact a board member or the secretariat.